Carnivor/keto lifestyle
coaching with skimum available
what is your why??
Hello SkiMum Here!
Plagued with disordered eating, anxiety and auto immune issues since the age of 15, I have been searching for the cure to what ailed me. I tried everything I could find in books, from doctors and naturopaths and in recent years the internet. I have always been playful by nature. I like to dance and celebrate whenever their is music available. I play in nature and enjoy participating in "athletic" endeavors, not as a competitor, but as an enthusiast. I love to dance all night at shows and festivals. Additionaly, vanity has always been a driver for me, I am a woman and I like to look good. Mostly though, it is about feeling good in my body.
I suffered from cronic migraines, constipation, inflamation and joint pain, sinusitis, severe mold and penicilian allergy, anxiety, candida, yeast infections and UT infections, rashes, cravings, cronic fatigue and eventually pre-diabetes. I tried to eleviate my symptoms with vegetarianism, veganism, juice fasts, hydrotherapy and enemas, finding brief but fleeting relief.
I quit drinking alchhol in 2010, which lead to even more serious sugar cravings. I cut out sugar and experienced the worst detox imaginable. I was bed ridden with flu like symptoms for nearly two weeks and thought I was dieing...It was bad.
Things improved some and I began to eat only single ingredient whole foods. I felt an improvement in my inflamation, candida and yeast infections/UTI's improved greatly but the fatigue, constipation, anxiety, migraines and cravings continued. I had to exercise extreme will power and did not know from day to day if I would be up or down.
I am a positive person so I try to present a happy demeanor but the suffering was real.
"Why" did I keep trying to find releif? I do not want to be a burden on my children and family. I do not want diabetes and loose my limbs and go blind. I don't want cancer or parkensons. I don't want to have alzhiemers! My "Why's" are quality of life and enjoyment of it. My well being to be a benefit to those around me......not a burden.
It was in 2020, the begining of Covid, that my LIFE CHANGING SHIFT happened, everything was shutting down (I'm sure you reacall). I was on my way to pick our son up from the U of Oregon. A two and a half hour drive as the world shut down and it occured to me to google "Meat Fast".
I had recalled trying the "Atkins Diet" after my second child, our daughter, was born. For the sake of Vanity, to loose a little weight, my parents, concerned about my weight gain, had given me Dr Ray Atkins book. I did loose weight and felt improvements.....But I hadn't made the correlation of my health because I don't think humans really considered at that point that what we ate affected our health just our weight....It was simply about my weight and vanity.
My "Meat Fast" Google on the World Wide Web produced a wealth of new and current science. Peer reviewed legitamite science, with teaching doctors who had anecdotal information. Unlike the science of the "fat free" revolution that has plagued our society with obesity and disease. The "fat free" science, unlike carnivore and keto, was NOT PEER REVIEWED but hyposthesized and scewed to fit what scientists and industry "wanted" to believe.
.....but that is old news! The GOOD NEWS I found the proven science of Carnivore/Keto.
My goal here is to move forward and share the success and healing I have found NOW and YOU can too!
I took online courses and studied and studied more. I implemented what I learned and I healed. I am no longer constipated EVER, I am no longer pre-dabetic and am in safe ranges. I no longer have migraines. I have tons of energy and my body feels good. Inflamation, anxiety, and cravings have ceased. My disorded eating GONE!!
Since I began this journey my life has improved 100%. I have the satisfaction of sharing my knowledge with fellow humans on my Instagram @BIGSKILOVE as well as "coaching" and supporting skiers like Tim Durtschi BIG LINE SKIER for TGR.
If you are intrigued, I hope you reach out to me. Let me support you. If you need help, I am here and available to you to "Coach" you. Please reach out to me.
The Science is REAL!
Please Find a few videos and links to the teachers who have guided me below.
More to Come!!
SkiMum Out! aka Calorie Carson
PS I have a waist now....this is not my "Why" but weight loss is an added benefit.
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Carol Carson
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Some of my favorite teachers
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